Thursday, August 4, 2011

If I could.

These are the days that I wish I could take this from you.  These are the days that I would give ANYTHING just to have you have one worry free day like any other child who is running and splashing before me.  This is the type of day where I wish I didn't have to force you to eat something I know you would rather not eat, just so that you have the ability to fight for the freedom to play.  Play is something that comes so natural to toddler, and to have to regulate and restrict you , just to keep you alive makes me sit here and cry.  I wish with all that I am that today, you could have gave me your disease just so that I could see the sheer joy on your face without the mask of worry.  The day you had was incredible in your eyes, but through the eyes of a mother, it was a day of watchful worry as I watched you play, worrying the whole time if you are going low and need me, or if your life giving insulin was being used up too rapidly and evaporating before my watchful eyes.  If its ok with you, today is a day that I wish Diabetes would leave you alone..  let you be little, let you enjoy splashing in a lake in the warmth of the sun without causing such havoc on your tiny body.  If I could, I would.  If I could take your place, I would.  But, all I can do is go with what I know, trust how I feel, and watch you grow into the sweet little man you are.  With every ounce in me, I am so proud of you.  With every tear in my eyes, I shed because you have the strength of no other.  You have the courage of a lion and the heart of an angel.  I love you my little dude.  Sweet dreams, until tomorrow morning.. where Pancakes with Nutella await.. I love you.. Good night. - Mommy.


Sandra Shuya said...

Hudson, if Gramma could take Diabetes away I would... I had so much fun playing in the sun with you.... You are my SUPER HERO...
i LOVE YOU...........

Linda angermeier said...

I love you Huddy Buddy...I know that everyone who loves you would take away the diabetes if we could!!! You are so brave...xoxoxox