Friday, May 13, 2011

Blog Week - Day 5 - The Good!

10 Things We Have Learnt to LOVE About Diabetes

1.  We love that Hudson is so brave and strong through all of this.  He loves to show everyone his "Scary Snake" Medic Alert Bracelet that has zoo animals on it.  He tells everyone "I have Diabetes.. I was diagnosed!"
2.  We love to hear when Hudson talks about his hospital experience that he says he had a sleep over with Mommy and Daddy at the hospital. " It was so cool! " He really did love it there.. riding the "Alligators" (elevators) and going to the Atrium daily ( when he wasn't in isolation) to visit the bright red sports car that was down there!
3. I love how it has brought our family and extended family closer together.  The support we received and are receiving is amazing.  I'm not amazed that they are supporting us but I am amazed at how easily everyone is adapting.  From Gramma doing finger pokes while Hudson says "Its not scary Gramma.. You can do it" to his Nonna giving him his pens while Hudson says to her " It never hurt Nonna! See... You did it!" I am amazed at his strength
4. I love that we have made so many new friends in such a short time who have children both newly diagnosed or ones who have been diagnosed for years offering us support.  
5.  I love that Hudson has a new buddy, Tye, who is just like Hudson is every way. With one SMALL problem... Hudson keeps asking for him, but Tye lives over 3 provinces away.  I love that they send eachother lil presents in the mail and color eachother pictures!  One day these 2 boys will have to meet.  I  am encouraged and so thankful to Tye's mom, Michelle, who is my new, super close friend.  Its amazing that even though we have never met that our similarities are incredible.  What we are going through daily is identical, and she has been so great to bounce ideas off of!!
6. I love that when we go out to eat, that we dont have people staring at us as we give Hudson his pens and do his finger check.  Our town seems to be pretty accepting of these things.  We are normal. Just like any other family.  
7. Diabetes has brought on a whole new aspect for me.. BAKING! I love baking and now finding and revamping recipes for me has been alot of fun!!!  I love heading out to Bulk Barn to see what new products they have that will lower the carb intake in my baking so that Hudson can have and enjoy more than 1 cookie without making his tongue feel "funny"  which is what all the sugar free things do to him I guess.. EXCEPT sugar free jello which we have always stocked in the fridge as a free snack for him!
8. I LOVE JELLY BELLYS!!! The Jelly Bean... not only are they a good bribe for Hudson since he is in that challenging toddler stage... They taste great and they are only 1 carb per bean!!! That alone made me smile!  here is a constant phrase in our house "Hudson, its nap time!  I will give you 1 Jelly Bean if you LAY DOWN and have a nap!" works like a charm.. for now!
9. The day I learnt that he CAN enjoy a piece of real birthday cake WITH icing.. was a good day!  Just because he has diabetes, DOES NOT mean he can never ever have sugar again!  Somedays, sugar is a resort I go to to bring his levels up!  He can have a cupcake if we account for it in his meal plan of the day.  Just not ALL the time.. but really, no one should be eating junk all the time anyways!  
10.  The good thing about diabetes.. well insulin .. for us is that it gave back my little boys life.  It saved his life!!! And every day I am so thankful for that!

1 comment:

Karen said...

What a wonderful list of good things. Hudson is amazing and I love his take on everything. :) And yay for Jelly Bellys and real cake!!