10 Things I Hate About Diabetes
1. The way Hudson cries when he realizes he needs 2 needles before breakfast
2. The constant worry and wondering if he will wake up in the morning
3. Giving my sweet boy needles and poking his finger. Everyone who knows me knows that I HATE NEEDLES and the sight of blood makes me feel queasy... so after this new diagnosis.. I have learnt to do it fast and not to think about it
4. The way it has forced my 3 year old to grow up faster than he should
5. Hudson now can not eat more than 1 timbit at a time without me hovering or panicing over it all
6. Having to ask what is in something so I know how to carb count his meal for him.
7. I hate that Hudson has the words "Diagnosed" and "Diabetes" in his new vocabulary now.
8. I HATE that he can not run and play for hours outside without having me running after him to make sure he is drinking juice or eating a snack to keep him from running dangerously low.
9. I hate that there is no cure and that he can not grow out of this. That there is NO REASON why he all of a sudden got this.
10. I HATE that this is permanent
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