Friday, February 11, 2011

It was now Sunday and Hudson was doing so well!!!  Even though we were in isolation we convinced the nurses that Hudson would yes, wear his mask if we could take him down to the atrium in the red wagon.. we were told to stay away from crowds but yes, we could ride the "alligator" down so he could run and play.  Hudson was first, taken off of Scrawny Ronnie again, and once again I paced the halls as they removed Hudson's IV.  I don't know why it bothers me so much to hear my little boy cry and scream, but it does and I cant bear to be in the room when it happens... I would just be in the way, right?  And he would probably throw a bigger fit if I was in there.
After Scrawny Ronnie was released, Hudson put on his mask... which in and of itself is quite incredible!  What 3 year old keeps on a mask???  I think Hudson was just desperate enough to get out that he kept it over his nose and chin... PLUS it helped that he had Dr. Mater from CARS TOONS who also wears a mask..

It must have felt so good as well to finally be able to wear his own clothes rather than those little stripped hospital gowns with matching pants.. honestly, they looked like clown suits :)  Before we ventured down, Hudson made sure that Scrawny Ronnie would be there once he got back.  I guess he kind of liked having the IV cart around.  

The Race Car
Playing on the circles
We wheeled around the atrium for a bit.  It was so quiet.. there was hardly any people around.. and where would you think a little boy would gravitate to?? DIRT!  Hudson played in the little garden that was set up by the front doors where the hospital was trying to grow some sort of cactuses or tropical plants..  he would throw dirt globs at the trees.. burry his Mater toy.. and just dig..  It was so cute!! I am sure that it isn't allowed.. but who would come up and stop a sick little boy from digging in the dirt?!

The Dirt

Wheeling Around

Bugging the lady who worked at the Information Desk

After playing for a good half hour, my boys decided that a wheel chair would also be just as fun to play in.. so the wheeled up and down the atrium.. going forwards, backwards, and spinning in circles.. good thing we can't get kicked out of the hospital is all I can say :)  When the atrium got boring for the boys, they wheeled down to the chapel.  After sitting by some windows, looking at the snow and trying to find Hudson's bedroom window, they went into the chapel.. we put on some tunes and Hudson just danced his little heart out :)  It was Sunday after all.. so we had our own little service.. :)  It was a special moment.. a sweet moment of watching our little boy enjoy being in that chapel.  I silently thanked God for saving my little boys life.  This was my boy.  My boy was back.  my laughing, dancing, silly, and active little boy!

Dancing in the Hospital Chapel

After our fun filled morning we retreated back up to floor 5 for Hudson's lunch time and than nap.  It was such a sweet morning.  That afternoon I left my little boy for the first time in 4 days ( while my husband napped with Hudson) and went to the mall.. I now needed a bigger purse to hold not only all of my 3 month old daughter, Tenley's baby things, but now I had to carry around alot of stuff for Hudson as well.  I had to buy a new purse/bag with lots of pockets and zippers to keep things from falling out.  I finally settled on a laptop/briefcase bag.  Super stylish in purple snake skin :)  LOVE IT!! You would never guess that it was a laptop bag. Since I was at the mall, I realized that I had been in the same clothes the last 4 days, so I bought a few shirts for myself as well, which felt so good :)  A bit of retail therapy never hurt anyone!  Next, I went to find some collapsable measuring cups and spoons so I could carry those in the bag as well, just in case :) PLUS they dont take up any room really since they fold down so small!  My final stop was of course, the toy store where I bought Hudson his own Doctor kit as well as a book called Doctor Dora :)  Hudson was getting so good now at letting the nurses check his vitals every few hours... lifting his shirt, turning his head so they could check his ears, putting his finger in the "tanning bed" and waiting till the little red light went off.. so I bought him this kit so he could play doctor as well and since alot of the parts look like his needles and his glucose monitor, I thought maybe this would help him get over his fear of these new items which he will see every single day!
Once back at the hospital, I laid all my spoils onto the bed, showered, and got dressed in NEW clean clothes which felt amazing!!  Today was the day I would be giving Hudson his injections by myself!  I first had wanted to master doing the glucose checks before trying the needles so that I could get really good at one thing and than learn the other.  First, I unloaded his Doctor Kit so that he could do my pokes and check my blood, which went over really well, and than it was my turn to throw the needles like a "dart" .. push in the insulin and than count to 10.. and remove!  It was so much easier than I thought.  Hudson didn't scream as much when I did it. Probably since it wasn't a stranger giving him his injections.. it was me, his Mommy.  I thought it would hurt me more than it hurt him.  But it felt good to know that I had done it , that I had given my son something that would help keep him alive!  
After supper, Rene's parents made it to the hospital after driving home from Las Vegas.  Hudson was so excited to see them.  Just as excited as they were to see him!!!  He showed them how to do his pokes and tests with his new little kit, he showed them all his toys he had received for his birthday.. his poke stickers.. scrawny ronnie.. EVERYTHING!!
Opa & Nonna come!!
And some friends for a visit as well

Last night in the hospital.
Reading with Daddy before bed

Poking Daddy's finger

More of Hudson's friends also came to wish him a Happy Birthday as well..  it was a great night for sure!!
After everyone left, and after Hudson was in the tub for an HOUR.. I sat and just looked around his room, and marvelled at how loved my little family was.  Pictures painted by Hudson's friends, card, balloons, care packages, birthday presents were all packed into our room.  We never knew that so many people cared this much about our little family.  It was overwhelming.  A beautiful moment!
I was so thankful that that night, our last night in the hospital, Hudson got his favorite night nurse who had been his night nurse for 3 nights in a row!  She was the most amazing nurse!!!  Hudson was so calm and relaxed around her. Hudson checked her vitals with his new equipment... and she let him!!!  Thats what I loved about her.. she knew how to relate to the children she was looking after.  She knew how to talk to us like we were real people.. she would stay and visit.. she was interested in who we were!

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