Tuesday, March 1, 2011

Recipe Help!

Hello Blog Readers... :) 
I know, its been a while!!!  
Between a teething 4 month old, a messy house, and a ton of other things, I haven't had the time to write.
The past few days have been excellent!!!! FINALLY!!! Hudson's blood sugars are normal... which is weird for us since we were used to him being in the mid 20's for over a month!!!  So now, being in the "single digits" freaks us out because we are not accustomed to those kind of numbers so we are closely monitoring him... more I think for our own peace of mind more than anything to be perfectly honest!
I even "relaxed" a little and let Hudson enjoy a Hershey Kiss with his meal, which was a HUGE step for me since when he was first diagnosed I thought that even a bit of chocolate dust would kill him.  I even cleaned out my cupboards just to be safe... and threw out ALL the dozens of chocolate cupcakes and the huge chocolate cake I had planned on forming into Tow Mater for his 3rd Birthday..... well FINALLY we are comfortable enough to throw Hudson the birthday party that should have been... the birthday party that was supposed to have happened... and now it is GOING to happen!!! Chocolate cake and all!!!  I just have one question for my readers who are also moms of diabetic children.... What do you use to ice the cake?  Hudson is insisting on chocolate icing... and I would really love to make him the cupcakes I was going to make in the first place.... do I just add a package of sugar free chocolate pudding to the dream whip as icing??? or is there any other secret tips out there of you veteran moms...???
Here is the picture of the adorable cupcakes that should have been... and if you knew me at all... BEFORE all this happened.. you would have known that I love to bake.. I am a baker... I have sold my baking and when Hudson was diagnosed, it killed me to think that he would never be able to fully enjoy the baking that I desperately had wanted to make a part of his childhood... so I am just as determined as ever to have him live a normal life and to not miss out on a single thing that any other child gets to experience.. and if I have to invent sugar free cotton candy... I will... Just for him :)  I am not sure if that is possible and I know that is extreme... but any parent would go to the ends of the earth and back for their children... Being Extreme isn't something to be looked down upon.. it is what parenting is all about... wether your child has diabetes or not...  we would all do anything, give up anything, if we knew it would make our child's world a happier,safer, more memorable place :)  And if that is a birthday party with Mater Cupcakes... than BRING IT!!! :)

Here is what I am hoping his Mater Cupcakes will look like..... so any icing tips would be awesome!!!!!  


SILVIA said...

love it!!!
very very very cute post!!=P
follow u

Madisons Mom still waiting for the cure said...

Hi I would just make the cupckaes like normal and give him enough insulin to cover the extra carbs. I know that is hard to figure out at this stage but phone your endo office and the dietician maybe can help. We didnt have our first bd party til a couple of months in and always gave 1 extra unit of novorapid for a slice of cake so far that has worked but it is different with every child.I am glad I found your blog Jenn Hollett sent me the link.